A Classical Christian School for Erie County, NY

Opening in September 2025 (Pre-K - 2nd Grade)

Inspiring Students to Love the Noble, Ponder the Deep, and Pursue Christ's Calling

OUR MISSION is to train the minds and hearts of young people through a classical, content-rich education in the liberal arts and sciences, with instruction in principles of moral character and civic virtue in an orderly and disciplined environment.

We aim to teach students how to think, that they may be equipped to wisely choose what to think.

Part of this mission is engaging the entire school community in the process, from parents to Board of Trustees, that we may all benefit from the interplay of teaching and learning, forming and being formed, concerning scholarship, discipleship, citizenship and worship.

What's the Best School for Your Child?

Why Choose Northstar Classical Academy?


...majors in character and virtue development for each child.

...intentionally restores the time-tested curriculum for Western Civilization.

...incorporates the well-known stages of child development into its philosophy of education.

...strategically plans the spiritual, intellectual, moral, and physical development of students.

...models its success after 500 other schools that have returned to a classical model of education.

...is not Christian in name only, but embraces the teachings of Scripture throughout its entire curriculum.


A School for the Whole Family: Upcoming Milestones

Northstar Classical Academy’s strategic plan of growth begins in 2025, culminating in 2036 with our first graduating class after adding one grade every year.


NCA's Grammar School opens with classes for pre-k, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students.

6th grade classes begin, with 7th-8th grades to be added over the next two years.
9th grade classes begin, with 10th-12th grades to be added over the next three years.
First Graduation Ceremony
The Class of 2036 becomes our first graduating class!

A Member of the Association of Classical & Christian Schools

Northstar Classical Academy is a member of the Association of Classical & Christian Schools (ACCS), the world’s largest and most widely recognized representative of classical Christian education. By drawing from the wisdom and experience of the ACCS and its 500+ affiliated schools, NCA is building on a solid foundation of successful, time-tested principles and practices.

The ACCS network of Classical Christian schools is growing…and thriving.

Learn More about the ACCS >>

Graduates of ACCS schools experience extraordinary outcomes in college and in life.

Read The Good Soil Report to learn more >>
Our vision is to graduate young men and women who think clearly, listen carefully and reason critically; who ponder creatively and prioritize strategically; who argue persuasively and articulate precisely; who can evaluate their entire range of experience by light of scripture; and who do so with eagerness in joyful submission to God. We see them as supremely discerning when confronted by cultural influences, recognizing these as seldom in harmony with biblical truth, that they may consistently navigate through evil toward the good, the true and the beautiful.

Portrait of a Graduate

By the time a student graduates, we envision him or her embodying these 9 traits:

( 1 )

Mature, Virtuous Character

Our students display heart-obedience as opposed to mere rules-following. This includes the constant presence of good manners, honorable behavior in all relationships, Spirit-control in personal life and Christian leadership.  They’re aware that they always stand in the presence of God.

( 2 )

Sound reason to fortify sound faith

Our students understand a worldview informed by scripture is the basis of discerning truth from falsehood and guiding them to success in life before God and man. They exhibit wisdom in negotiating in and around complex issues and reason through the consequences of impulses and ideas.

( 3 )

A masterful command of language

Our students are able to know things that are not directly experienced and accurately talk about things which are, to the benefit of themselves and others. It allows them to properly communicate and comprehend that which is communicated to them.  This is most vital in understanding scripture in context, which is foundational to life.

( 4 )

An altruistic

Our students love their neighbors and serve their community. They have an awareness of the many types of needs around them and respond to Holy Spirit prompting for the “when” and “how” of meeting those needs.  They display the sacrificial willingness and joy of Christ in doing so.

( 5 )

Well-Rounded Competence

Our students are not specialists who know little outside their field of study. They display a wide variety of knowledge and skills across the gamut of human study and experience.  This allows them to be useful and productive in living, not just working.

( 6 )

An Established

Our students enjoy good taste.  They have cultivated a love of reading those works designed to nourish their hearts and minds.  They’ve learned to appreciate the fine arts, from artwork to music, as beneficial to a rich experience of life, which expands the mind and refines the spirit.

( 7 )

Historical Perspective

Our students evaluate the present through the lens of the past.  Their appreciation of lessons learned from the history of western civilization and comprehension of our founder’s intent through our historical documents enable them to engage their cultural moment with wisdom, knowledge and confidence.

( 8 )


Our students understand that knowing and obeying the will of God for all people and His specific plan for them is key to a full and fruitful life.  They have been infused with a commitment to be good and faithful servants.  

( 9 )

Love of God

Our students display a healthy, thriving relationship with their Creator, which results in their maneuvering through trials and tribulations as those who see life through His perspective.  This leads to an abiding sense of His love, joy and peace whatever may come.  Our students know this world is not their home.

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Located in Lancaster, New York